Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sprinkler Time!

Every year during the spring and summer, the Birmingham Zoo has sprinklers the kids can play in. The boys loved playing in them last Friday. Though the water was a little cold, both boys had a great time and I am sure we will be back may times this summer.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Summer Hair!

Well, I finally let Michael buzz the boys hair since the warmer weather is here. I don't know how I feel about it yet but I think I will get use to it. They just look so grown up!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

More Easter Pictures


This Easter was a little sad since we waiting for Branning to get his test done but we were glad to be surround by family for the weekend. Here are a few pictures from Bryson and Branning's Easter party at school and from Easter.

God is Good!

I have always believed in the power of prayer but God has really shown me the ultimate example of this during this past week. It started last Tuesday with what I thought was just a simple call to the nurse about diaper cream for Branning. As I was talking to her, I figured I would ask her about hemroid cream since he has been bleeding a little when he went to the bathroom. I guess I should explain that Branning has had severe constipation since around 6 months but it has gotten worse the last couple of months. Bryson had it when he was smaller and we had talk to the doctor about it many times and Branning has been on Mira lax and had a special diet for a while. All this to say, I thought that my call to the doctor was a pretty routine so I was surprise when they wanted us to come in. I packed up the boys and went to the doctor thinking he was just going to check out the diaper rash and maybe get a prescription for the constipation. From the moment the doctor came in he already looked concerned. He asked me what felt like a million questions and examined his bottom. He explained that Branning had lost over 5 pounds in less than a year which was not normal and that he was concerned. Then the moment came when my heart stopped, He said "I think he needs to be tested for Cystic Fibrosis." WHAT??? I didn't know what to say. I just looked at the doctor with tears in my eyes as he explain what would happen next. Branning would have to visit a GI doctor and would get a sweat test done to test for Cystic Fibrosis. I didn't know much about Cystic Fibrosis so of course I looked it up on the Internet. That is when I found what scared me the most....Life expectancy is 20 to 30 years. My worst fear as a mother has always been that my children would die before me and now it could happen. I began to pray out loud through my sobs for God to make the test negative and for Branning to live a long and healthy life. Two days later we headed to the GI doctor hoping he would cancel the test and tell us that there was nothing wrong. He didn't and we would have to wait until Tuesday to go for the test. The next few days were the longest of my life. I could think about anything else and all I wanted to do is pray and hold Branning. Finally the day came and Branning had the test. Waiting for the test was the hardest thing I have ever done. I sat and read my bible and prayed as I waited for the phone call (of course I did call the nurse 3 times to make sure the results weren't in yet). Finally the call came that the test was negative!! I broke down and cried as relief filled my body. God is so good! Though we still have a long road ahead to find out what is wrong with Branning, we can breath a little easier knowing that we are over the biggest hurdle. Thank you to all that prayed for Branning and for our family even if you may have not known what all was going on. As I have learned from this experience, prayer is definitely powerful!