Friday, March 27, 2009

First Steps!

It is hard to believe how fast Branning is growing. He is a quick video of his first steps. Boy it is hard filming a moving baby!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow videos

More Snow Pictures

We got even more snow! Over four inches in all. Here are some more pictures including ones of our big snowman or "Daddy Frosty" as Bryson calls him.

Snow in Alabama!

We woke up Sunday morning to SNOW! This is a big deal in Alabama so we quickly bundled the boys up praying that the snow would still be there by the time we finished. Bryson loved it! Branning was a different story. Every time we put him on the ground, he screamed. He did not like being bundled up and he did not like the snow hitting his face. Bryson wanted to build "Frosty" so we gathered all the snow we could without taking it all and made a snowman. In all, we were outside for about ten minutes and the boys were over it. It was fun while it lasted.

Making pancakes!

Pancakes have become a Sunday morning tradition. Bryson loves to mix the batter. Cracking the eggs is his favorite part. Branning watches and cheers Bryson on by clapping his hands.

Valentine Parties!

The week of Valentine's Day, the boys both had parties at school. Bryson had stayed home with Branning and I since Branning had an ear infection but after hours of begging, we decided to go to the party. Bryson loved looking through all the valentines he got from his friends. Branning ate a Cheese puff for the first time at his party and loved it. Both parties were lots of fun!