Monday, December 1, 2008

Who needs Toys?

Tonight the boys had a blast taking a riding together in the laundry basket. They both cracked up as I pulled them around in the living room. I guess they don't need any toys for Christmas!

Getting ready for Christmas

Sorry it has been so long, we have been so busy! Thanksgiving flew by and of course I only took one picture. We had a lot of fun and ate too much. The Sunday after Thanksgiving we decorated for Christmas in our pj's. We weren't too sure how it would be with two children helping, but it when well. Bryson is really starting to understand Christmas and loved helping decorate the tree. He loves to talk about Santa and when asked what he wants Santa to bring him, responds "Big Toys." Branning just preferred chewing on the ornaments! We all had a blast.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Getting so Big!

Branning is growing up so fast. In this past week alone he has sat up by himself and broke his first tooth. He also had his first taste of baby food. The doctor had told me to wait til 6 months for food since he was allergic to cereal, but with a week to go until 6 months and watching him lick his lip and grab each time we ate I decided to try it. He loved the pears! He ate half the jar and was content. It made him so happy! I can't brag on one child and not the other. Bryson is growing up too! He can communicate so well now which have made the tantrums less and further apart. I am so lucky to have such smart and healthy boys!

Branning's Big Weekend

This weekend was a big one for our little guy. On Sunday he was dedicated in front of our church. We were a little worried about how he and big brother would do with everyone watching. They both did so good! Branning smiled the whole time and Bryson wasn't scared at all. They both looked so handsome but of course wouldn't cooperate so we could get their picture together.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More Halloween pictures

Halloween night

We had so much fun on Halloween night. We invited lots of our friends over to enjoy food, fun, and trick or treating! We took a caravan of strollers around the neighborhood to collect candy. It was the first year that Bryson really understood the concept of trick or treating so it was fun to watch him. I think all the kids had a blast (even little Addison who was only a week and half). I know the adults did!!

Halloween parties

Last Wednesday we survived both of the boys' Halloween parties! The parties were 30 minutes apart so we had to party hop for about a hour. The boys looked so cute in their costumes! The other children looked cute in their costumes too! Bryson had so much fun at his party he decided to throw a fit as we were leaving!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Today we went to the pumpkin patch! We went to a small one named Shadow Lakes about 5 minutes from our house. It was great and also cost us 4 dollars. Bryson loved the moon bounce and train ride. He wasn't as crazy about the hayride. Branning enjoyed the bumpy ride in his stroller, watching his big brother have fun, and trying to eat the pumpkins. There wasn't a big crowd and the people were so nice. We had lots of fun!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Here we go!

I am going to try my hardest to make this a good blog, but those who know me know that I am not the best at the computer. I just couldn't pass up the chance to share all that is going on in the lives of my sweet boys. There will be more to come soon!!