Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Best Firends!

Big Boy Bed

As if Bryson turning four wasn't emotional enough for one day, we decided to convert Branning's crib to the toddler bed. He has been ready for a while but we finally had the time to do it. He did great and he Loved it! I woke up this morning to Branning climbing into my bed saying "I did it Mommy, I did it!" Such a big boy!

More Birthday Pictures

Bryson turns four!

What?? I can't believe my baby boy is four years old! Though I can't say I am too sad to see the 3's go(they have definitely been the most challenging age), I tear up at the fact that in just a little over a year he will be off to kindergarten. He has such a personality and like both of his parents LOVES to talk. The things that come out of his mouth amaze me, you can tell he pays attention to EVERYTHING. He is the sweetest big brother and it makes me smile to see how sweet and caring he is towards Branning (most of the time). They are truly best friends. I can not wait to see what age four has in store for Bryson.

Here are a few pictures from his party at Build a bear! It was a lot of fun and Bryson loved it! He also got a bike for his birthday and is finally getting the hang of it!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Little Boppers!

For Christmas Michael's brother gave the boys Socker Boppers. I was scared to let the boys try them in fear that it would just end in tears and bandaids. Bryson spotted them at the top of the closet today so I decided to let them try it. I am so glad I did! They had so much fun and I haven't laughed that hard in a long time (which is why most of the pictures are blurry). They would go full force at one another (missing most of the time) and when one would got knocked down they would just laugh and get right back up. Even I got into the action! After about 30 minutes everyone was worn out, but I am sure we will have a rematch tomorrow!