Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Branning turns 2!

Ahhh...my baby is two! Where has the time gone? He is such a sweet boy. He is very independent but also loves to do ANYTHING his big brother is doing. He talks up a storm and surprises me with new words each day. He is so different from Bryson that it is crazy. He is more of the "Don't mess with me type." He hates to be treated like a baby and I have to really enjoy the brief moments that he wants to be held and cuddled. Though we are still battling some stomach issues, he is usually a happy and active child and I am so blessed to have him.

We had his birthday party this past weekend and he had a blast. We did a take 2 on the sprinkler party this year. Last year was the coldest day in May ever so we had to move the party inside. This year, the weather was great so we broke out the pool and sprinkler and all the kids loved it. Here are so pictures of the fun day!

School Program

Last Tuesday, the Mother's Day Out that the boys go to held an end of the year program for the 3 and 4 year old classes to show what they had learn throughout the year. I was so fun to watch him sing songs, say his "ABC's", and count to 30. I was so proud of him and so glad that he loves learning at school. Here is a picture of him showing off his award along with his brother that as you can see needed many bribes to make it through the program quitely.

So Blessed

On May 1st my 89 year old grandmother passed away. Her body had been going for a while but it was still unexpected when she passed. She went peaceful and surrounded by the ones that loved her most. I titled this post "So Blessed" because when thinking about Mam-Maw, that is how each of my thought begin.

So Blessed
... that she moved to Birmingham for the last years of her life and I got to see her more.
... that she got to meet and interact with my children.
... that my son will always carry her memory with his name, Branning, as it is her maiden name.
... that there is no doubt in my mind that she is heaven rejoicing with Pap Paw. She love the lord and some of my favorite memories of her are when she use to bust out randomly singing hymns.

Though the sadness remains and will for a couple of weeks, I know that she is enjoying rejoicing in heaven with a pain free body.

Bryson put it in to perspective of me with this conversation:

Bryson: "Mom, why are you crying?"
Me: Explain what has happened and closing with the statement "Mam Maw is in Heaven"
Bryson: "Don't be sad mom, now she can help God make the thunder, and clouds, and lightning, and sun." Then after a few minutes of thinking, "but she wouldn't make a lot of thunder because she knows I;m scared.

Oh..to think like a child.

Thomas the Train

Having two boys, my life is now filled with cars, trains, and really any thing that can roll and hit you in the shin. One of the boys' favorite charaters is Thomas the train. One of the railroads around here has a great event each year where Thomas the Train comes to the railroad. They have all sorts of activities that include playing with the Thomas toys, story times, a petting zoo, and of course train rides. Though the boys didn't get to ride Thomas (would have been almost $100 for all of us to ride) they loved looking and waving at him. We can't wait to go back next year.

Catch Up

The Careys have been busy so it is time to play catch up. Here we go.....