Sunday, October 25, 2009

Boo at the zoo!

Sunday night we went to Boo at the Zoo. The Birmingham Zoo puts it on every year at Halloween. They have games, hayrides, a train, and lights and painted Halloween cut-outs all over the zoo. You can also go trick or treating and ride the carousel. There was also had a haunted house that was in the snake house which didn't scare Branning a bit but had Bryson and I almost in tears! The worst part was waiting with 2 very impatient children (wonder who they get that from) in the very long lines, but they did seem to have fun once they got through the lines. They loved trick or treating and getting candy in their bags. Each time someone gave Bryson candy he would say "Oh thank you and have a Happy Halloween!" We had a great time and can wait until next year.

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